Do you want to make cotton candy at home?
This easy to use Candy Floss Maker allows you to make fairground style candy floss at home in minutes.
This cotton candy maker is lightweight and very quiet; it takes only minutes to get sugar sweets spinning and ready to enjoy.
This mini cotton candy machine spins sugar into bunches of fluffy cotton candy All you have to do is gather up the yummy wisps on your candy floss sticks and enjoy.

As the cotton candy machine heats up, the central head begins to spin, forcing liquid sugar through its tiny perforations. The instant the threads of sugar hit the air they cool and re-solidify, causing a web of sugary threads to develop in the collection bowl.
This cotton candy maker comes with and a measuring scoop, which makes individual servings of cotton candy on demand. It can quickly create cotton candy cones, hard candies, and sugar floss, and so on.
Make healthy and tasty snack for the whole family. Ideal for birthdays, weddings, new years eve or whenever you fancy a tasty treat.
Convenient: Its clear rim guard allows for a clear viewing unit, and it can disassemble for easy cleaning.
Suitable For: Parents and children alike can enjoy making sweet candies together with this Cotton Candy Maker.
Portable: The smaller size of this Cotton Candy Maker takes up little counter space, that has a carnival at home, and any time.
Time-Saving: It takes only minutes to get sugar sweets spinning and easily create cotton candy cones, sugar floss, & hard candies, or finely-crushed hard candies to make fluffy cotton candy.